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Immigrant parents face many challenges as they adjust to a new life and culture in Canada. Some of the challenges include lack of strong social support system, access to information and resources, navigating systems, including education and health, and adjusting their cultural practices and parenting values to Canadian child welfare law. The Immigrant Parents Network was created to address some of these challenges - to ensure parents feel less isolated, have an on-going support, and access to resources that support their successful integration in Canada.

The Immigrant Parents Network is a volunteer- run support group for Immigrant parents in Canada. The group was created in April 2020 by Temitope Abiagom, an immigrant parent and social worker based in Halifax, Nova Scotia to bring together a community of newcomer and established Immigrant parents to share experiences and support one another as they integrate into a multi- cultural Canadian society. 

Purpose of the Network

We provide a space for parents to share, learn, and nurture a broader social network with other parents across Canada. The network seeks to support parents and enhance their knowledge about Canadian practices, values, and various systems. We envision a community where immigrant parents from diverse backgrounds truly belong and are empowered to thrive in Canadian society.

Mother and Daughter

Our Vision

We envision empowered parents who thrive and raise wholesome kids.

Our Mission

To support and provide a space to share, learn, and nurture a broader social network with immigrant parents across Canada.
Mother and Son

We believe that it takes a village to raise a child, hence, we rely on the wisdom and experience of the collective to advance our mission.

Inclusion & Diversity

Our Values

We leverage the richness inherent in differences.


We are committed to community engagement and partnerships with other organizations and groups to fulfill our mission.

We are committed to be of benefit to the public and our members.


We remain true to our mission and carry out our work with the greatest responsibility and accountability.

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